ZOOM Registration Session 4 - NTSV


By participating in this safe table series, you agree to the Safe Tables Terms & Conditions.


I understand that this Safe Table is conducted in a safety culture where the focus is on systems or gap analysis and not on individual provider performance. All Patient Safety Work Product is confidential and shall not be disclosed except to provide feedback for quality improvement purposes. I understand that I will be participating in confidential conversations about sensitive confidential data that are intended to improve the quality of care at my health system/hospital. If I am disclosing information from my health system/hospital, I have permission to disclose the data and have removed any PHI and identification of any specific healthcare provider. I agree that the confidentiality protections of Patient Safety Work Product shall survive after the meeting is adjourned, and I will not disclose any Patient Safety Work Product discussed at this meeting except for quality improvement purposes within the organization that I am representing at this Safe Table. I understand that I am responsible for taking reasonable steps to ensure that no impermissible disclosures occur at my location. I recognize that 42 C.F.R. Part 3 provides for penalties - that I can be personally responsible for up to $11,000 for each impermissible Disclosure of Patient Safety Work Product – other than to provide feedback to the facility for quality improvement purposes.

September 18, 2024
Wed 2:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 0M

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